Course Description
Technical Theatre II-IV is a continuation of previous classes with more in-depth applications and hands-on experiences. Scenery, props, costumes, lighting, sound, makeup and stage management will be explored. Attendance at evening and weekend theatre performances is required.
Learning Objectives
To review basic theatre terminology, dramaturgy, and other theatre fundamentals
To analyze a variety of texts from cultural and historical perspectives to determine production requirements
To explore different careers in technical theatre, including directors, designers, and other theatre practitioners
To explore and effectively demonstrate creative design skills that produce functional scenery, properties, lighting, sound, costumes, and makeup in a theatrical production
To demonstrate an understanding of the safety requirements and efficient use of tools and materials used in a theatrical production
To apply technical knowledge and skills to collaboratively and safely create functional scenery, properties, lighting, sound, costumes, and makeup in a theatrical production
To create production schedules, stage management plans, promotional ideas, and business and house procedures for a theatrical production
To practice applicable job training skills by developing a portfolio for potential employment in professional venues
Be on time. Tardiness will not be tolerated.
Work hard. Come to all class periods with all necessary materials.
Love each other. Life is too short to be ugly to one another -- lift each other up.
Blue or black pen
1 subject spiral notebook (three hole punched preferred)
1” binder for notes and class handouts
Major grades are projects, assessments, and/or other in-class presentations that account for 60% of the nine weeks grade. Daily grades are participation grades or homework assignments that account for 40% of the nine weeks grade. Per district policy, there will be a minimum of two (2) daily grades recorded per week and one (1) major grade recorded every other week, with a minimum of four (4) major grades being recorded during a nine week period.
Students are expected to attend two (2) Ovation Theatre performances per semester as a fulfillment of the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) for high school theatre. Attendance will be part of the course grades.
Recommended Reading
200 Plays Every Theatre Student Should Know
Carter, Paul Douglas, and George Chiang. Backstage Handbook: an Illustrated Almanac of Technical Information. Broadway Press, 2012.
Gillette, J. M. Theatrical Design and Production: an Introduction to Scene Design and Construction, Lighting, Sound, Costume, and Makeup. Seventh edition. McGraw-Hill, 2012.
Holloway, John. Illustrated Theatre Production Guide. Focal Press, 2014.
Pecktal, Lynn. Designing and Drawing for the Theatre. McGraw-Hill Book, 1995.
Raoul, Bill, and Mike Monsos. Stock Scenery Construction Handbook. Broadway Press, 2015.
Riha, Michael J. Starting Your Career as a Theatrical Designer: Insights and Advice from Leading Broadway Designers. Allworth Press, 2012.