Ovation Theatre is the highly acclaimed theatre program at Glenda Dawson High School in Pearland, TX. Founded in 2007, Ovation Theatre has won renown throughout the State of Texas for the quality of its productions and the excellence of its educational program. Our mission is to provide the highest caliber of theatrical experiences for our students so that they may achieve their fullest potential as artists, leaders, and citizens.
Ovation offers courses in performance (Theatre I-IV) and technical production (Theatre Tech I-IV, Theatre Production). Currently more than 600 students participate annually in Ovation productions, where they appear in two musicals, a full-length play, a new works festival, the UIL One Act Play Competition, and in cabarets and pop shows in collaboration with Encore Choir.
Beyond our commitment to the cultural life of Dawson High School, Ovation helps define new directions in the culture of our community by providing theatrical experiences for our junior high and elementary school students.
We train future theatre practitioners by upholding the highest artistic standards, remaining responsive to changing conditions in the performing arts community at large.
We provide an educational environment that fosters the artistic, intellectual, and personal growth of its students and prepares them to embark on successful careers and productive lives as artists and citizens.
Our collaboration with Encore Choir allows students the opportunity to participate in two musicals, two plays, and two cabaret/pop shows per year.
We engage audiences by expanding access to the Ovation experience and serving as a leader in conversations in our community about the importance of the performing arts.
Today’s students
on tomorrow's stage.
Learn about our past productions and our current season.

Building community.
Providing a professional quality experience for our students can be challenging in today's economic climate. We rely on community partners to help make our goals a reality. Ovation Theatre is dedicated to serving the community by fostering the creative arts, advancing arts education and developing the cultural community in Pearland to its greatest potential.
Thank You to our
2022-23 Season Sponsors!
Director’s Circle
Principal’s Circle
Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. Doherty
The Kloesel Family
Ensemble’s Circle
C & L Deli Provisions
The Law Office of Carrie Kemper Allen
The Covey Family
The Dobson Family
The Hopfe Family
The Schultz Family
Corporate Matching Donors
in-kind donor
Friends of Ovation
Jay Allen ▪ Elaine "NaNa" Bailey ▪ Curt and Mandy Benedix ▪ Mike Boessling ▪ Cash’s Mom and Dad ▪ Susy and Brad Borkhuis ▪ Jason and Renee Briscoe ▪ Pamela Brown ▪ Marvin & Debra Buckley ▪ Bob Burdette ▪ Susan Burdette ▪ Don and Ruth Burrows ▪ Atticus and Olive ▪ Paul & Matthew Byers ▪ Greta Calvery ▪ Dan and Kristy Chadbourne ▪ Jacob, Aunt Jeannie & Uncle Robb Colbert ▪ Scott and Kirsten Colvert ▪ Amber & Tim Connolly ▪ Jim & Wilma Conway ▪ Shay Cormier ▪ The Cowsert Family ▪ Karen Davenport ▪ Katie and Kyle Davenport ▪ Gil and Diana Davidson ▪ Brian & Angela Davidson ▪ Bob and Joyce DeLuca ▪ Aunt Andrea DeLuca ▪ Warren DeLuca & Family ▪ Ellen Duncan ▪ Joanie Ellingwood ▪ The Faircloth Family ▪ The Fenn Family ▪ Acie French ▪ Taylor Giannoni ▪ Amber Giannoni ▪ Kaitlyn Gilbreath ▪ Jerry and Donita Harrington ▪ Johnny Hayes ▪ The Headley Family ▪ W, K & A Hobbs ▪ The Hopfe Family ▪ Emily Howard ▪ Julianne Jennings ▪ Phil and Kari Kaiser ▪ Mike & Michelle Kloesel ▪ Mike and Randy ▪ Max & Carole Kloesel ▪ Mr. Edgar’s Aunt Mary ▪ Arely Leal ▪ The MacIsaac Family ▪ Michelle Mai ▪ Cassie Mathis ▪ Mallory Thornton's biggest fan ▪ Clemmen May ▪ Geraldine McCann ▪ Emily McClenagan ▪ R. Lee & Kia McGee ▪ Dr. Lynda McKnight & Dr. Cleavy McKnight ▪ Donna McLain ▪ Lara and Dave McPhail ▪ Sarah Mejia ▪ The Melass Family ▪ Angie Mitchell ▪ Lilly Molinaris ▪ Moss Family ▪ Julian & Betty Moss ▪ Krysta and Mike Nabors ▪ Edna Navarro ▪ Hillary Norman ▪ Margo, Matt, Addison and Chase O'Connor ▪ Michaela O’Donnell ▪ The Parrish Family ▪ Petersen Family ▪ Gale "MeMe" Peterson ▪ Neeley Rainer ▪ Jessica's Dad ▪ Lindsay Rodriguez ▪ Salisbury Family ▪ Valerie Salisbury ▪ "Nanny Trish" Sanders ▪ Monica and Michael Savage ▪ Kyle & Laura Schoonover ▪ David & Julie Schultz ▪ Marilyn Schultz ▪ The Schultz Family ▪ Rod & Linda Seto ▪ Greg Seto Family ▪ Chad Silverman ▪ Stephanie Smith ▪ The Smith Family ▪ Rebekah Soares ▪ The Stanley Family ▪ The Strachota Family ▪ Gay and Don Stricklin ▪ Gay Stricklin ▪ www.SurfbreakLLC.com ▪ Tommy & Pat Thompson ▪ Craig & Lorinda Ulfig ▪ Uncle John and Aunt Val Verner ▪ Ivette Villarreal ▪ The Webers ▪ Lynn Wheeler ▪ Margery Wheeler ▪ Barbara Williams ▪ Amy Williams ▪ Josh & Sarah Williamson ▪ Elizabeth and Gary Wolfe ▪ Kathryn Wright ▪ The Yeatts Family ▪ Carroll Yeatts ▪ Ellen Yeatts